Empower Broward's Success Coaches serve primarily as a consultant that help analyze and identify what the participating small business' challenges are. The Success Coaches also provide participants with advice on a multitude of topics, and will help them accomplish tasks that fall within their scope of knowledge. From our experiences learned from the Pilot Program, topics of most interest and relevance that participating small businesses have required help with: marketing initiatives such as creating a website and flyers, social media, financial planning, legal and contracting needs, and creating a business/success plan.
One of the first tasks that our Success Coach will help participating small businesses with is in creating a Success Plan that will set goals for each participating Client. The completion and success of the program will be measured through the completion of this Success Plan.
Furthermore, the accomplishments of these goals will help create metrics that can be measured for the efficiency and success of Empower Broward, and will provide data to improve the overall program.
For services and expertise in which the Coach is unable to help the participant, the Coach will contact the Program Manager at the Alliance, who will then refer the participant to a subject matter expert (the Expert) that has agreed to participate in the program.
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A Six Pillars Broward Initiative